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Formula Ford 1600 Brands Hatch 1986 - Rick Shortle
Rick Shortle FF1600 Brands Hatch 1986
Formula Ford 1600 Brands Hatch - Rick Shortle 1986
Rick Shortle FF1600 Champion Of Brands 1986
Champion of Brands FF1600 1986 - Rick Shortle
Champion Of Brands FF1600 Brands Hatch 1986
Champion Of Brands FF1600 1984 Rick Shortle
Champion of Brands Hatch - Formula Ford 1600 - Winner Rick Shortle
Rick Shortle Racing FF1600 Brands Hatch 1989
Champion of Brands FF1600 1986
Formula Ford FF2000 Race Brands Hatch 1985 - Rick Shortle Reynard #3
Formula Ford Festival 1985 Rick Shortle & Damon Hill